رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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البروج للإنشاء والتعميرتطلق المرحلة الثالثة لأحدث مشروعاتها( السوق )بمدينة العبور صور..."ستانلي مول" المطورون العرب يتحول إلى قضية رأي عام.. ملاك المحلات يشتكون من الخسائر الفادحة خلال مشاركته في مؤتمر «The Investor.. Real Estate» خالد عباس: العاصمة الإدارية أصبحت تنبض بالحياة.. ... «آي صاغة»: تراجع أسعار الذهب بعد اختيار بيسنت وزيرًا للخزانة بنك إن بوكس وMineSec تعلنان شراكتهم الحصرية لتقديم حلول SoftPOS المعتمدة عالميا شركة «NTG للتطوير» تطلق مشروع «The Node» بالقاهرة الجديدة .... وتوقع شراكات استراتيجية بمشروعاتها محمد عامر – الرئيس التنفيذى لشركة ماركية للتطوير العقارى  وجود استثمارات مصرية أوربية عقارية لأول م... صيدلية العزبي تطلق حملة للتوعية بالاستخدام الصحيح للمضادات الحيوية إي اف چي هيرميس تنجح في إتمام خدماتها الاستشارية لصفقة تسهيل ائتماني بقيمة 370 مليون جنيه مصري لزياد... 150 مليون دولار من مؤسسة التمويل الدولية لبنك CIB لدعم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ومتناهية الصغر في م...

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Investing its success.. “Asset Tap” opens new branch in East Cairo

Asset Tap opens its new branch in the Fifth Settlement to widen its clients’ base

Investing its success in West Cairo, “Asset Tap” Consulting and Management company announced the opening of its new branch in Fifth settlement, in order to transfer its experience in providing real estate consultancy and marketing to East Cairo.

Alaa El-Sheikh, Chairman of Asset Tap, said that the company started its work in West Cairo region about two years ago, during which it was able to form the largest customer base in this region, working with a number of major real estate companies, most notably “Palm Hills” , “Sodic” and “Emaar Misr” , pointing out that the company owns a team work with experience exceeds 20 years in the real estate market.

He explained that West Cairo region is distinguished by strong demand within the huge development implemented by the state in it in order to be a touristic capital for Egypt, in addition to the presence of 3 of the fourth generation cities in the West Cairo region, as well as the team’s possession of strong marketing expertise in this region, indicating that all these factors supported launching the company’s work in the West district.

He stressed that the company’s opening of its new branch in East Cairo region aims to align with the development trend and the presence of the New Administrative Capital, which is regarded as one of the largest fourth-generation cities in East Cairo, as the company is planning to have its office in the Fifth Settlement as a start for its work in the Administrative Capital, Mostakbal City, Galala City and Ain Sukhna.

He pointed out that the company’s strategic plan during the next five years focuses on owning an office in all new cities and governorates that witnesses real demand and comprehensive urban development, in order to provide all its services and widen its client’s base, as the state implements comprehensive development throughout the republic which provides investment opportunities for all companies.

He said that Asset Tap Consulting and Management provides advisory services to its clients to help them in choosing the unit that suits them, or assist them in reselling their unit, as well as achieving the highest investment return from the unit owned by the customer, as the real estate asset is the largest investment for any client.

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