رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
وزير الإسكان يشهد مراسم توقيع اتفاقية شراكة بين مجموعة العرجاني وشركة هندسة البناء الحكومية الصينية ... «إنفستجيت» تستعرض أفضل الحلول لتعزيز تطور المساكن الفاخرة وقطاع الضيافة محمد يوسف مؤسس رويال هاوس : المصداقية الركيزة الأساسية للشركة بجميع مشروعاتها مع العملاء  «نماء إي إكس بي لإدارة المولات التجارية» تطلق العلامة التجارية «M Street» لأول مرة في مصر والوطن الع... البنك التجاري الدولي يدعم مستشفى مبرة مصر القديمة بـ15 مليون جنيه بحضور وزير الصحة هاني توفيق: مطورو العقارات الذين يتجاهلون علامات الفقاعة "متخلفون أو مفلسون"! هاني توفيق يحذر: أقساطك تمول وحدات الآخرين! وجمعيات "ضحايا" المطورين تستغيث بالصحف مصر تتفاوض مع مستثمرين إماراتيين لإنشاء 3 مصانع جديدة القلعة الحمراء لإدارة المنشآت تكشف عن التصميم المستقبلي لاستاد الأهلي الجديد باستثمارات تبلغ 8 مليار... صيدليات العزبي تقود التحول الرقمي في قطاع الصيدلة بالشراكة مع أورنچ مصر

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

August 29th.. The activities of the sixth session of the International Exhibition for LED Technology, Modern Lighting Systems and Electronic Components kick off


The activities of the sixth session of the International Exhibition for LED Technology, Modern and Decorative Lighting Systems and Electronic Components (LED MIDDLE EAST LIGHTING EXPO) kick off during the period from August 29-31, at the Cairo International Convention Center – Nasr City.

The International Exhibition for LED Technology, Modern and Decorative Lighting Systems and Electronic Components is one of the most important exhibitions in Egypt, the Middle East and North Africa specialized in LED component systems and applications, modern indoor and outdoor lighting requirements, site and project lighting, lighting of all kinds, electronic display screens, solar energy lighting systems and electronic components.

The exhibition is sponsored by major national companies operating in the LED technology industry, modern lighting systems and advertising fields, with the participation of many foreign companies that manufacture the latest technology that serves Egyptian factories.

The sixth session of the International Exhibition for LED Technology, Modern Lighting Systems, Decorative and Electronic Components (LED MIDDLE EAST LIGHTING EXPO) comes after the great success achieved in the previous session of the exhibition with the participation of more than 150 national and foreign companies working in the fields of manufacturing LED systems, energy-saving lamps, solar lighting systems, electronic components and other indoor and outdoor lighting systems, screens and modern advertising methods, as the number of visitors reached more than 10 thousand specialized visitors over 3 days from Egypt, Arab, African and foreign countries.

The exhibition coincides with the state’s trend to replace current lighting and lighting systems with new energy-saving systems, which reduces harmful emissions to the environment in addition to reducing the import of energy derivatives needed to operate power plants to save billions of dollars in hard currency and pump it into other paths to support the national economy, in addition to the exhibition coinciding with the state’s plan for economic development, as energy consumption has developed significantly over the past years.

Increasing the efficiency and rationalization of energy consumption has become imperative to meet the increasing demand for it and its positive impact on improving the environmental impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and necessitating reducing fuel consumption in thermal power plants. The state has launched a national plan to improve energy efficiency in Egypt in order to achieve expected savings of up to 5% of the average consumption during the last five years in some sectors (home – public lighting – drinking water stations – sanitation and other sectors).

For his part, Hisham Rushdi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company organizing the exhibition, said that the sixth session will provide major business opportunities for exhibiting companies to enhance their presence in the Egyptian market, through direct presence in the most effective business platform to expand the business base and investments in one of the most prosperous business regions in the world.

Hesham Rushdi, CEO of the exhibition organizing company, confirmed that the exhibition was marketed through our agents in Arab, foreign and African countries – such as China, Turkey, India, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and other foreign countries – and many foreign companies participated in the exhibition activities due to the importance of the Egyptian market in this field and the distinguished position that Egypt enjoys and its openness to African markets in particular. The exhibition is also sponsored by major national and foreign companies that manufacture lighting systems.

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