رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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وزير الإسكان: إتاحة 5 % "330 وحدة" لذوى الهمم أو ذويهم بولاية من إجمالى 6575 وحدة سكنية جاهزة للتسلي... البنك الأهلي المصري يعدل سعر العائد على الشهادات الدولارية " فورا وبلس" «آي صاغة»: استقرار نسبي في أسعار الذهب وسط ترقب الأسواق لمحضر الفيدرالي الأمريكي خبير اقتصادي يكشف كيف تنجح الحكومة في خفض معدل التضخم لأكثر من 10% بنهاية 2025 بحضور محافظ شمال سيناء مؤسسة مصر الخير تطلق 22 شاحنة مواد غذائية لأهالي شمال سيناء من أمام المحافظة ... شركة «EGYPROPERTY» تحقق معدلات نمو قوية في مبيعات عملائها من الشركات العقارية بالاعتماد على التكنولو... البريد المصري يصدر طابعَ بريد تذكاريًّا بمناسبة مرور 150 عامًا على تأسيس الاتحاد البريدي العالمي شراكة استراتيجية بين اندرايف ومستشفى الناس بتوفير خدمات الشحن والتوصيل النتائج المالية المستقلة والمجمعة لـ QNBعن الفترة المالية المنتهية في سبتمبر 2024 "البريد المصري".. يصدر بطاقة تذكارية لـ(أبطال مصر الحائزين على ميداليات في دورة الألعاب البارالمبية ...

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

“ECB PM & Consultancy office” reviews the most prominent projects of its London office among 3 years



ECB PM & Consultancy Expertise House reviewed the outcome of its successful projects which it was working on through its office in London, since 3 years of establishing the office as part of the company’s plan for external expansion.

Chairman of ECB, Dr Mohamed Abdelghany said that the company’s office in London, “ECB UK” , succeeded in participating in more than 10 diverse projects in the United Kingdom, most notably were “British Film Institute” projects, in which the office provided design and Fire Engineering services.

He explained that the second project was East Village Development Stratford, as the office provided Facade Engineering services, noting that the office gained experience in London enabled it to understand the mechanism of consultancy offices sector’s work in the European market, as well as understanding the nature of alliances in these markets, which qualifies it to acquire more projects in the future.

He added that one of the most important advantages of external work and presence in global markets is acquisition of new experiences and new professional relations that contribute in external expansion and entering new projects and markets from which the company acquires different experiences, in addition to exposure to different cultures and different ways of thinking which contributes in opening new horizons in the world of designs, and innovation with the office in London and the mother company in Egypt as well.

He assured that the company is seeking with its full power to acquire a strong business quota in the foreign market to be able to compete globally in the global construction sector, and to be Egypt’s ambassador abroad, as external expansion is not targeting to achieve investment goals only, but also to achieve national goals represented in acquiring new experiences to be added to the construction sector in Egypt and contributing to its global reach.

He pointed that the company aims to expand abroad in Africa, Asia and Europe during 2022, which aligns with the state’s plan to export the contracting sector, explaining that his company has a qualified team ready for local and international competition in various disciplines, with a total of 750 person, and the company constantly provides the necessary training to raise the efficiency of its employees to be up to date with what is new in the local and global markets.

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