Ali N. Karaman: Our Greatest Asset Is Our Dedicated Workforce… We Are Keen to Continuously Invest in Our People, Trusting Them to Drive Success
Philip Morris International, a leading global tobacco company and manufacturer of innovative smoke-free products, has been recognized as a “Top Employer” in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon for the 8th consecutive year by the “Top Employers Institute”. The institute grants the award to leading organizations and institutions that demonstrate excellence in human resources practices and provide the best work environment for their employees.
The Top Employer Award marks organizations that successfully implement sustainability standards and policies and provide opportunities for progress and excellence for their employees, within a work environment that meets the needs for development and growth.
The Managing Director of Philip Morris Egypt and Levant, Ali N. Karaman, expressed his contentment for winning the award, saying: “The recognition of Philip Morris as a Top Employer for the 8th consecutive year manifests the company’s successful operational policy and our leadership as a global employer in providing the best workplace experience for our employees. We are proud of this award that marks the alignment of Philip Morris’s strategy and work policies with innovation and development goals.”
Karaman emphasized Philip Morris’s unwavering commitment towards investing in its people, recognizing them as the driving force behind the company’s success. He highlighted that empowered and thriving employees, supported by continuous development, are the bedrock of the company’s transformation towards a smoke-free future.
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