رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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متى بشاي: 20% تراجع في أسعار اليميش في معارض أهلاً رمضان متواضع:"اوبو العبور" أول مول تجاري فندقي ترفيهي يلبي احتياجات مدينة بأكملها شريف حليو: بدو مصر صمام أمان لمنطقة الساحل الشمالي وطالما نادوا بتنمية وتطوير الساحل الشمالي الغربي الصناعة: بدء تلقى طلبات المستثمرين الكترونيا على 2172 قطعة أرض صناعية 1 مارس اتفاقية تفاهم بين IST & GRG على انشاء مصنع تجميع وتصنيع ماكينات الصراف الالى  "ذا مارك" تُضرم النيران في أسعار "بيت الوطن" وتُلهب جيوب المشترين.. هل يدفع المشترون الثمن؟ فضيحة نيوم أسيوط: السكان يستغيثون بسبب تأخر التسليمات.. وعقود مشبوهة.. وكارثة في تنسيق الحدائق إي اف چي هيرميس توقع شراكة استراتيجية مع كيدزانيا القاهرة لإطلاق تجربة تعليمية ترفيهية تفاعلية للأطف... بدء إجراءات طرح 400 ألف وحدة سكنية ضمن مُبادرة سكن لكل المصريين بعد العيد اتفاقية بين اقتصادية قناة السويس وفولكوف الهندية لإنشاء مصنع بقطاع الصناعات المعدنية

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Lozan Urban Development” contracts with “Comerca” to house commercial units in its project in New Administrative Capital


Lozan Urban Development (LUD) has contracted with Comerca – the leading commercial solutions provider for the largest Egyptian and international brands – to house commercial units in the apex business complex project in the Downtown area of ​​the New Administrative Capital.

Adel Abdel Moneim, Chairman of the Board of Directors, stated that the cooperation with “Comerca” came out of our company’s belief in achieving the highest investment return for our customers, through the company’s role in providing contracts with major international brands and obtaining the right to use the “franchise” brands, as ensuring the process of The operation is completed by the presence of strong brands that achieve the influence of visitors on a daily basis.

He explained that Commerca will provide various services through investing in housing commercial units to achieve the highest possible benefit, study the expected profits for customers and improve the quality of the optimal operating service to enhance the value of their properties to match short or long-term ownership and provide information and analysis in the fastest time and reduce operating expenses.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors announced that a contract has been sucessfully signed with the natural food company that owns the trademarks (Baladina Restaurant) and (The Burger Factory) to be the first brands in the Apex Business Mall project.

He pointed out that “Lozan Urban Development” seeks to achieve an added value for the clients of “Apex Business Mall” by preparing a mix of commodity diversity and distributing activities in the commercial area to achieve smooth movement between all units and roles in the project.

He stressed that the project is “administrative – commercial – medical” on an area of ​​2,600 square meters, with investments close to 700 million pounds, consisting of ground + 12 floors, with 230 various units, with areas starting from 35 meters and up to 100 square meters, with payment systems starting With 5% down payment and facilities up to 12 years, it is expected that the entire project will be delivered within 4 years of its implementation.

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