رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
A Giant Alliance Brings Together "MIDAR," "Sumou Investment" of Saudi Arabia, "Adeer International,"... "جمعية 'عين' تكشف تفاصيل أسعار ياميش رمضان وتؤكد دورها الرقابي في الأسواق" بنك مصر يرفع رأس المال المرخص به إلى 300 مليار جنيه مصري.. ورأسماله المصدر ليصبح 110 مليار جنيه مصري جمعية الخبراء: إعفاء مجموعات «البكالوريا» من الضرائب يزيد الموارد المالية للمعلمين شركة نيو جيرسي للتطوير العقاري تحتفل بالتعاقد مع عدد من كبريات الشركات المحلية والعالمية لتعزيز القي...  محمد علام – رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة مزايا توفير المواد الخام وتحديد سعر مناسب للمشروعات العقارية تحدي ... مفاجأة.. ليفربول يوقع رسمياً مع لاعب مصري (صورة) تحالف عملاق يجمع "ميدار" و"سمو للاستثمار" السعودية و "أدير العالمية" و"حسن علام العقارية " لتطوير مش... التعليم العالى: إدراج عدد من الجامعات المصرية فى تصنيف مؤسسة التايمز فى مختلف التخصصات العلمية صندوق الإسكان الاجتماعى: رصد أخبار غير صحيحة حول موعد فرز مستندات المتقدمين بـ”سكن لكل المصريين5″

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Royal Development accelerates the construction rate in 14 projects at Beit Al Watan in New Cairo


Royal Developments confirmed rising construction rate with 14 projects at Beit Al Watan in New Cairo, which reflects a clear plan for implementation with a strong financial solvency.

Royal One Developments Head of Commercial Sector Saher Magdy, said that the current period requires high rates of implementation in all projects in order to cope with implementation high costs, assuring that companies that have strong financial solvency have a greater opportunity to accelerate the rate of implementation in its projects.

He assured that the commitment to the scheduled timetable for implementation and delivery are essential elements of the company’s concepts, and it is working to implement several projects in other areas in parallel, besides the company did not stop implementation even in the most difficult times such as Covid 19 crises, as maintenance of the company’s credibility and clients confidence are regarded of the company’s main tasks.

He pointed that there is a strong demand from clients for purchasing real estate for the purpose of housing or investment, especially at East Cairo district, which acquires strong development, in addition to the closeness of New Cairo to the New Administrative Capital, raises the demand, as it is expected to witness rise in prices with the complete life transmission to the capital, which makes it an opportunity to buy real estate now.

He pointed that companies that have clear marketing and implementing plans, and are implementing in parallel, will be able to face the current challenges in the market, while companies that ended marketing projects before implementing with a long-time may face troubles that
will negatively affect them, showing that despite all these challenges but property remains a safe haven for investment and always a winner bet.

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