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العزبي وباركفيل تعلنان عن شراكة استراتيجية لتعزيز توافر المنتجات الصحية في مصر عبدالجواد: 2024 كان مفاجئة للسوق العقاري.. ومدد السداد الطويلة تغير جديد.. ورمضان فترة لاستيعاب الت... SPD تقتحم سوق العقارات بقوة.. إنجاز قياسي في "دومي" وإطلاق مشروع "نسيم" بمليار جنيه السالم القابضة تُطلق فرعًا جديدًا لبنك فيصل الإسلامي داخل مول نايل فيو في مدينة بنها بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للمرأة.. المهندس جرجس يوسف في زيارة تفقدية لمستشفى «بهية» لدعم محاربات سرطان ا... كريم شعلان:السوق العقاري شهد طفرات بيعية وسعرية في 2024.. و2025 ستشهد زيادات سعرية محدودة المالية: مليار جنيه بالموازنة الحالية لتمويل استراتيجية توطين صناعة السيارات بمصر الحكومة توافق على تحويل الأراضي المُتاخمة للمناطق البترولية لمنطقة صناعية خضراء نظيفة مصر تجمع 3 مليار جنيه غرامات من مستخدمي سيارات ذوي الهمم غير المستحقين وزارة العمل: 960 فرصة عمل بـ49 شركة قطاع خاص في 10 محافظات

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Developer X has obtained ministerial approval for the project in the North Coast, Egypt.


The company is currently negotiating with an international brand operator to manage The Wave Hotel Apartments project, says Ahmed Fouad, CEO, Developer X.

Developer X, a subsidiary of the Shoura Group, has announced obtaining ministerial approval for the development of Bianchi Ilios project in North Coast.

Ahmed Fouad, CEO of Developer X, said that the company undertakes all development work, including planning, designing, developing, and marketing for the project.

He added, that the project is scheduled to be constructed and delivered within 4 years.

Fouad pointed out that the project is located on an area of 115 acres in the North Coast, explicitly in a distinct area in Sidi Abdel Rahman. Bianchi Ilios project comprises chalets, villas, twin houses, townhouses, a 5-star hotel, lakes, and an entertainment area, as well as a commercial area that provides integrated services to clients.

Accordingly, the company plans to develop a distinctive integrated project with services in the North Coast of Egypt.

He further noted that the development of this project comes within the company’s expansion plan in new areas and providing projects that achieve diversity for its clients.

Besides, the scale of urban development in the North Coast region and the state’s plan to develop and operate the city throughout the year make it an opportunity for investors to launch projects and to participate in the state’s plan to develop this promising area.

Fouad stated that the company has a plan to speed up the construction process and deliver the project in accordance with specific quality standards, with the use of the latest construction methods and in cooperation with strong entities in different specialities to achieve this goal.

According to Fouad, Developer X is currently negotiating with the three largest contracting companies in the Egyptian market to develop the project.

The company’s CEO highlighted that Developer X plans to begin construction within the next few weeks, in cooperation with a number of successful partners and consultants, to develop the project with the highest standards of quality and excellence.

He further added, “Developer X is one of the accredited companies in the property market that strictly abides by project construction and delivery.

Fouad revealed that negotiations are currently being conducted by Developer X with an international hotel management company, to manage the hotel apartments project and the entertainment area within the Bianchi Ilios project.

“The company we are negotiating with is one of the largest global brands in hotel management, which manages more than 650 hotels around the world, and it will be present for the first time in Egypt in cooperation with the X Developer,” he disclosed.

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