رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Arabisk Development is expanding by 5 new branches as part of its strategic plan for the next period


Arabisk Real Estate Development Company aims to expand a series of branches inside and outside Egypt during the coming period, to open new sales headquarters for it in New Cairo and the city of 6 October and Shorouk, in addition to opening two branches in Kuwait and Saudi, as part of its strategic plan during the coming period.

That the company aims to open these new headquarters, to keep pace with the expansion of the company’s projects, as the company enters many new projects during the coming period in the new cities, said Dr. Abdel Hamid Al-Wazir, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Arabisk Real Estate Development Company and Chairman of the Support and Follow-up Committee of the New Cairo Developers Association.

He confirmed that the company aims to expand its portfolio of projects at the level of new cities during the coming period, as the company acquired land in the 6 of October city for Compound construction on it, and the company obtained other new projects in the city of Shorouk, and the state aims to obtain more land to keep pace with its expansion plans During the coming period.

He added that the opening of those headquarters was part of the company’s plan to expand all its services to new cities in order to reach customers in the new cities. The company has a clear and specific plan based on several axes, including the opening of new branches.

The expansion plan of the company was based on a number of strategic axes, the most important of which was the appropriate distribution of the branch in order to achieve spread and cover larger areas with purchasing power.This is what Arabisk Development provides with its portfolio of projects.

He stressed that the company’s internal expansion is the beginning of foreign expansion in Kuwait and Saudi in the coming period, and supported the country’s plan to export the property abroad, pointing out that the company’s internal and external expansion plan is well thought out and conducted according to distinctive market studies.

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