رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Platform Leaders prepares to launch the most powerful real estate platform in Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia within the coming days


The American company “Platform Leaders”, specialized in developing information technology within the field of real estate marketing and sales operations management, is preparing to launch “homes.com.eg” and “Egmls.com” platforms to start its official operation in the Egyptian, UAE, and Saudi Arabian real estate markets during the coming days. The platform aims, through its work in the Egyptian market, to establish an integrated system focused on spreading the culture of organized real estate marketing through its educational channels, providing real estate professionals with skilled training courses to carry out the proper procedures while utilizing the available and newly developed technological means adopted by the Egyptian state.

Ahmed Elbatrawy, founder, and Chief Executive Officer of Platform Leaders USA stated that the main goal of launching platforms specialized in real estate marketing in Egypt is to contribute to setting the framework of the regulatory process within the Egyptian market, by which the market is currently witnessing.

Mr. Elbatrawy also added that the platform will work in an integrated manner in both Saudi Arabia and UAE and is expected to achieve unparalleled success in the Egyptian market. Moreover, the platform will provide all analytical data while emphasizing all details ranging from the property’s ownership to the property’s history. Through Platform Leaders’ educational system, all registered real estate professionals will have access to courses that demonstrate the casting of contracts, negotiations, and more. Other initiatives stipulated through Platform leaders will include the regulation of the commission rate system. Currently, through a grossly unregulated real estate market, the Egyptian state is losing millions annually due to the non-collection of taxes imposed on these commissions. As a result of most transactions being completed outside oversight from the government, this initiative will allow a new source of income for a sector that deals with millions of transactions annually. Through the implementation of a licensing and registration system, consumers will be fully protected and entrusted that they are dealing with a qualified and ethical professional. This system will criminalize the work of any individual who is not authorized to practice real estate and limit the practice of real estate to qualified, registered professionals to carry out such transactions. Implementation of the licensing system, as well as the educational platform, will contribute to the growth of the real estate market, increase the number of registered units across the nation as well as ease currency trading and special taxes on the real estate sector.

The platform will be launched in three countries in hopes to form a cohesive system that primarily provides the necessary technological solutions needed to further grow the economy. This followed by the implementation of the educational and licensing system will grant all real estate professionals with the necessary license to practice real estate and further grow their business. Given the unprecedented recent boom in the real estate market, Platform Leaders’ aspiration is to graduate an entire generation of real estate professionals in a well-regulated and educated manner. Along with the extensive knowledgeable data provided as well as being in full accordance with global standards, mechanisms to continue increasing the exportation of the Egyptian real estate industry abroad seems to be closer than ever.

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