رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
وزير الإسكان: إتاحة 5 % "330 وحدة" لذوى الهمم أو ذويهم بولاية من إجمالى 6575 وحدة سكنية جاهزة للتسلي... البنك الأهلي المصري يعدل سعر العائد على الشهادات الدولارية " فورا وبلس" «آي صاغة»: استقرار نسبي في أسعار الذهب وسط ترقب الأسواق لمحضر الفيدرالي الأمريكي خبير اقتصادي يكشف كيف تنجح الحكومة في خفض معدل التضخم لأكثر من 10% بنهاية 2025 بحضور محافظ شمال سيناء مؤسسة مصر الخير تطلق 22 شاحنة مواد غذائية لأهالي شمال سيناء من أمام المحافظة ... شركة «EGYPROPERTY» تحقق معدلات نمو قوية في مبيعات عملائها من الشركات العقارية بالاعتماد على التكنولو... البريد المصري يصدر طابعَ بريد تذكاريًّا بمناسبة مرور 150 عامًا على تأسيس الاتحاد البريدي العالمي شراكة استراتيجية بين اندرايف ومستشفى الناس بتوفير خدمات الشحن والتوصيل النتائج المالية المستقلة والمجمعة لـ QNBعن الفترة المالية المنتهية في سبتمبر 2024 "البريد المصري".. يصدر بطاقة تذكارية لـ(أبطال مصر الحائزين على ميداليات في دورة الألعاب البارالمبية ...

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

El Shennawy Group “SG” to launch soon its first real estate project in the New Administrative Capital

El Shennawy Group SG will launch its first real estate project in the financial district in the New Administrative Capital soon, and will announce details details at the official launching next week.

Farag El-Shennawy, founder and Chairman of SG; said that the company has 30 years of experience in construction and contracting which is an advantage backing up the plan to execute and deliver a distinguished project in the New Administrative Capital. El Shennawy referred to the high potential and great value of the Administrative Capital as a national project which expands the Egyptian economy, reflects the capacity of our nation and introduces numerous unique investment opportunities for the region.

He highlighted that the group, through its subsidiary to “El Shennawy Construction” SC; worked on many projects with companies of both the public and private sectors, and succeeded in fulfilling its obligations and commitment towards its long list of clients including most notably the ministries of Defense, Tourism and Housing, and from the private sector Orascom, which in turn shaped the range and depth of the company’s cumulative expertise.

He explained that the company has a strong track record of achievement as it has contributed in implementing a large number of national infrastructure projects, such as bridges, dams, pipelines, road networks, ports, gates and railways, which gave its employees a strong reliable knowledge and and practical tactics to handle challenging assignments and that is exactly what we count on for our real estate sector.

He added that the company is attentive to the details which build towards a solid investment for its clients; and therefore started by choosing a remarkable location for the project and relying on its strong and diverse construction capabilities, in addition to the collective qualifications of its human resources infused with a selection of distinguished success partners in various fields related to the project to ensure achieving a project with the best specifications in the market.

He assured that his company possesses financial and technical solvency that enhances its ability to launch its first project successfully, and the start of subsequent projects which will leave a comparative imprint for the company in the real estate sector.

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