رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Binghatti Launches Binghatti Royale with an Investment Value of AED 600 million


based property brand Binghatti announces the launch of Binghatti Royale in Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC). The launch comes in response to the soaring demand for Binghatti projects in the area following the rapid sell-out of back-to-back projects, some recording sell-out periods as quick as 24 hours.

Binghatti Royale is features a unique circular architectural identity. The building features 354 residential units ranging from one to three-bedroom apartments and 16 retail spaces across 47 floors.

“We are thrilled to announce the launch of Binghatti Royale in Jumeirah Village Circle. The rapid sell-out of our recent projects highlights the market’s substantial demand for our projects in the area and we are pleased to introduce our latest creation to meet this demand for premium residences,” stated Binghatti Chairman Muhammad BinGhatti.

With construction reaching advanced stages, the handover of the project is anticipated to fall early in the second half of 2025. Amenities include an infinity pool, private suite pools, a kid’s pool, an outdoor gym and multi-purpose lawn, as well as paddle and tennis courts. The project also features social spaces including a juice bar, an outdoor dining area and lush landscape areas.

Binghatti Royale is located in the heart of the vibrant community of JVC and overlooks Dubai’s Al Khail Road. JVC is known for its family-friendly environment, serene green spaces and wide collection of amenities which has made it one of the fastest growing communities in Dubai.

“Binghatti Royale manifests our commitment to cultivate thriving communities in Dubai like Jumeirah Village Circle and we look forward to launching more projects in the near future to continue delivering exceptional value to our clients and investors,” the Chairman added.

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