رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Tanmeyah awarded ‘Best Financial Institution for Empowering Women in Business in Egypt 2024’ and ‘Best Microfinance Company Egypt 2024’ by ‘Global Banking and Finance Review Magazine’



Tanmeyah, a subsidiary of EFG Holding and a leading provider of financial services in Egypt with a concerted focus on the micro and small enterprise segments, is proud to announce two awards from The Global Banking & Finance Review magazine: ‘Best Financial Institution for Empowering Women in Business Egypt 2024’ and ‘Best Microfinance Company Egypt 2024’. These awards recognize Tanmeyah’s unwavering dedication to financial inclusion and its active role in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) landscape.

Tanmeyah ensures it is in alignment with the Egyptian government’s roadmap to empower women and foster greater financial inclusion. Empowering women in business is not just an initiative, it’s part of Tanmeyah’s ESG DNA and core corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

“We are honored to be recognized for our commitment to women’s financial empowerment and being named Best Micro Finance Company Egypt 2024,” says Jinu Johnson, CEO and MD of Tanmeyah. “I believe fervently in the transformative power of empowering women through access to financial resources. Women-owned businesses are engines of innovation and resilience, yet they often face systemic barriers to accessing capital.  By offering lending products tailored to support women entrepreneurs, we not only stimulate economic growth but also foster social equity. It’s a strategic imperative that drives sustainable development and inclusion and contributes to the prosperity of communities and economies at large.  In line with our steadfast commitment to advancing financial inclusivity, nearly 50% of our clients are female entrepreneurs.”

This commitment extends to Tanmeyah’s workforce, of which approximately 39% are women. This diversity fosters a vibrant and inclusive work environment. Tanmeyah prioritizes underserved regions like Upper Egypt and the Delta, where access to financial services is often limited. This ensures all segments of society can participate in the economic landscape. Tanmeyah’s dedication to ESG principles and financial inclusion paves the way for a more prosperous and equitable future for all Egyptians.

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