رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
خطط لإنشاء مدينة صناعية على مساحة 5.5 مليون متر بمحافظة المنيا في مصر توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين هيئة المجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة و"جهاز مستقبل مصر” لتأسيس شركة Modon لإدارة و... البنك الأهلي المصري يسلم مؤسسة الحسن لدمج القادرون بإختلاف أتوبيسات مجهزة لانتقالات الأشخاص ذوي الإع... تعاون استراتيجي بين مصر الخير وإندومي مصر لدعم مبادرات الإفطار والتنمية المجتمعية «نيو جيرسي للتطوير» تحتفي بضيوفها الكرام في حفل سحورها الرائع..وتستعرض آخر التطورات في مشروعاتها اتهامات خطيرة تطال بنك SAIB.. عميل يكشف عن "بلطجة" و"ترهيب" لتحصيل ديون.. ويستعد لمقاضاة البنك وزير الإسكان: مد فترة الإعفاء بنسبة 70 % من غرامات التأخير للمستحقات المالية للوحدات والمحال والأراض... جمعية الخبراء: توطين صناعة العطور ينتظر التيسيرات الضريبية مواقع للتطوير العقاري.. خبرة راسخة وإنجازات تضعها في الصدارة منذ 2013 أيمن عبد الحميد: التوسع الأفقي يقلل الازدحام.. وعقد موحد بين المطور والعميل ضرورة لتنظيم القطاع

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Fawry Launches “Kheirak Wasel Fawry” Campaign To Support Good Deeds Charity In Ramadan


During the holy month of Ramadan, Fawry, renowned for its innovative banking technology and electronic payment services, launched an impressive campaign called “Kheirak Wasel Fawry” This campaign aimed to support charitable endeavors and spread kindness throughout the community.

Accompanied by the enchanting melodies of the musical band Massar Egbari, the campaign’s theme song, titled “خيرك سابق…خيرك واصل” captivated listeners with its memorable lyrics. The song beautifully reflected the genuine Egyptian identity, showcasing individuals who genuinely cared about doing good deeds in their everyday lives, whether through their words or actions.

What made this campaign truly special was its focus on the essence of humanity and the enduring spirit of the Egyptian people, not just during Ramadan but throughout the entire year. The song’s lyrics were carefully crafted to inspire acts of kindness, reminding people that the true essence of goodness lies within them. It encouraged individuals to express their generosity in various forms, by extending a helping hand to others, speaking kind words, or simply sharing a warm smile.

Fawry has organized interactive activities in several shopping malls such as City Center Almaza, Arkan Plaza, Tivoli Plaza, and Park Street, in order to be present near the donors in these locations. This is done through its distinctive booth that contains interactive donation screens supported by 3D technology, which allows visitors to donate easily to some charitable institutions such as Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation, Bahia Hospital, and Al-Nas Hospital throughout the month of Ramadan. Donations can be made using any bank card, helping in the recovery of patients and bringing joy and smiles to Egyptian families.

Fawry, being the preferred choice of the Egyptian community, played a pivotal role in facilitating acts of kindness across all segments of society. With their user-friendly solutions and services, Fawry made it possible for people to donate to over 250 charitable institutions and associations. Among these notable organizations were Hayah Kareema Foundation, Tahya Misr Fund, 57357 Children’s Cancer Hospital, the Misr El Kheir Foundation, Bahia Hospital, Dar Al Orman, Mersal, and Al-Nas Hospital.

Donations could be conveniently made through the myfawry application or via Fawry’s widespread network of Point of Sale (POS) machines throughout Egypt.

This heartwarming campaign served as a beacon of hope, reminding everyone of the power of small acts of kindness and the profound impact they can have on individuals and communities. It celebrated the rich tapestry of Egyptian culture and the unwavering generosity that flows within its people.

And so, the “Kheirak Wasel Fawry” campaign became a symbol of unity, compassion, and the collective effort to make the world a better place, not just during Ramadan, but every day of the year.

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