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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

DIG launches a new phase of TRACK 20 project during Cityscape Egypt exhibition


Omneya Awad: The company succeeded in marketing more than 40% of TRACK 20 project

Mohamed Fawzy: We aim to achieve EGP 500mn sales revenues during the exhibition

DIG, the leading real estate developer, is preparing to launch a new phase of TRACK 20 project during Cityscape Egypt exhibition, as the company surprises its customers with a package of strong offers on the occasion of the exhibition.

Cityscape Egypt 2023 will be held from September 20 to 23 at the Egypt International Exhibition Center in New Cairo.

Omneya Awad, Head of Marketing Sector at DIG Developments, said that the company has succeeded in marketing more than 40% of the project’s units in record time since its launch.

She added that Track 20 project is a mixed-use project comprises of commercial, administrative and medical units, consists of 5 basements, a ground floor, and 14-storey.

Track 20 directly overlooks the central park, the Grand Mosque, and the tourist promenade, over 5,250sqm, at an investment cost exceeding EGP 1.5bn.

Omneya Awad confirmed that construction has begun and is scheduled to be delivered within 3 years.

For his part, Mohamed Fawzy, Head of the Development Sector at DIG, said that the company will participate with its latest project in West Cairo, Z4 Janna Zayed, which is a commercial and medical project, on an area of ​​2,500 meters and serves a residential area that includes more than 10,000 people.

He pointed out that the project consists of a ground floor and 3 recurring floors with investments of one billion pounds, and is scheduled to be delivered after 3 years, noting that the designs were assigned to one of the most prominent consultants, Dr. Hisham Bahaa, to ensure the provision of a distinctive real estate product with a unique and modern design.

The company aims to achieve EGP 500mn sales revenues during the exhibition.

Fawzy added that DIG’s participation in Cityscape exhibition is part of the company’s plans to participate in major exhibitions locally and internationally out of its belief in the strength of its projects and its ability to compete, stressing the company’s confidence in Cityscape exhibition as it is one of the most important real estate exhibitions locally and globally.

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