رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
إي اف چي هيرميس تعلن إتمام الإصدار الرابع بقيمة 1.4 مليار جنيه ضمن برنامج إصدار سندات توريق لصالح شر... الدكتور محمود العدل يحتفل بزفاف نجله محمد وسط تألق نجوم الساحة الفنية محمد عامر: شراكة أوروبية مصرية قريبا لمشروعات جديدة فى مصر وزير الإسكان: إتاحة 5 % "330 وحدة" لذوى الهمم أو ذويهم بولاية من إجمالى 6575 وحدة سكنية جاهزة للتسلي... البنك الأهلي المصري يعدل سعر العائد على الشهادات الدولارية " فورا وبلس" «آي صاغة»: استقرار نسبي في أسعار الذهب وسط ترقب الأسواق لمحضر الفيدرالي الأمريكي خبير اقتصادي يكشف كيف تنجح الحكومة في خفض معدل التضخم لأكثر من 10% بنهاية 2025 بحضور محافظ شمال سيناء مؤسسة مصر الخير تطلق 22 شاحنة مواد غذائية لأهالي شمال سيناء من أمام المحافظة ... شركة «EGYPROPERTY» تحقق معدلات نمو قوية في مبيعات عملائها من الشركات العقارية بالاعتماد على التكنولو... البريد المصري يصدر طابعَ بريد تذكاريًّا بمناسبة مرور 150 عامًا على تأسيس الاتحاد البريدي العالمي

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

“Capital Link Development” launches 3 new projects during 2022 among its expansion plan

Capital Link Development intends to launch its expansion plan in real estate market during 2022, which includes various projects between residential and tourism inside and outside the Administrative Capital.

Ali Gaber, Chief Commercial Officer at Capital Link, said that the company has a strong portfolio of projects in the New Administrative Capital, which includes 4 projects in Downtown district, which are “Verona”, “Solano”, “Dorado” and “Laval” projects, explaining that they are administrative commercial and medical projects occupies distinctive locations in Downtown.

He added that the company aims to expand in residential and tourism projects within the New Administrative Capital, all of which will be wholly owned by Capital Link Development Company, as the company will launch 3 various new projects during 2022 as part of its expansion plan.

He assured that the comprehensive urban development that Egypt is currently implementing provides strong and diversified investment opportunities in various new cities that Egypt is currently implementing, which supports the expansion plans of serious real estate companies that have cumulative experience, technical and financial solvency that qualifies them to seize investment opportunities that suit them.

He pointed that the company succeeded in marketing 50% of the total sales portfolio owned by it, and plans to market the remaining percentage according to a specific plan based on market studies and investment plans for the company, as to let all the proposed projects and their payment systems commensurate with the needs and capabilities of the targeted clients.

He pointed out that accelerating the implementation rates is the company’s priority in all its projects, as maintaining its credibility and commitment is the basis of its work in its current projects and future plans, as the company was among the first companies to start construction in its projects, and is delivering 3 projects within two years in the New Administrative Capital.

He explained that the transfer of government district employees to the Administrative Capital contributes in attracting more investments for the entire project, whether local or foreign, as the state’s loyalty to what it announced in operating the project reflects its commitment towards investors with it within the project, and it is expected that new investments will enter the capital in the coming period.

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