رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Zodiac Development” launches a new phase of “Mizar Tower 2” project during its participation in “Egypt 2030” exhibition

Zodiac Development” plans to launch a new phase of “Mizar Tower 2” project, during its participation in “Egypt 2030” exhibition, that will be launched in Dubai on February 18, which is organized by “AL Etegah Al Awal” company.

Eng. Ahmed Fares, CEO of Zodiac Development, said that exporting real estate is one of the main axes on which the company’s business strategy depends, as to be a part of the state’s plan to market real estate products abroad, reach foreign clients and Egyptian ones working abroad, which provides the state with hard currency and supports the Egyptian economy.

He explained that participation in “Egypt 2030” exhibition is one of the company’s mechanisms for marketing its projects abroad and reach a larger base of clients, as the company aims to achieve the highest return on sales during the exhibition period, especially with the distinguished location and timing of it and the presence of a large number of targeted clients visiting the exhibition.

He pointed out that the company is implementing the two projects “Mizar Tower 1” in the most prestigious areas of the Downtown, which it is located on an area of 2,650 square meters with building area 16,500 square meters, with a commercial, administrative and medical activity, consisting of ground and 12 floors, and the company is also implementing “Mizar Tower 2,” which includes shops, administrative offices and medical clinics.

Mohamed Hefnawy marketing sector manager, said that the company offers its clients distinguished units with competitive price with down starting from 10%, in addition to a payment period up to 9 years, and providing exclusive offers in conjunction with launching a new phase of “Mizar Tower 2” project, with suitable areas and unbeatable prices, raising the slogan “New Chance”.
He added that Zodiac Development has 20 years experience in the real estate sector, and decided to invest this experience and implement new projects in the Administrative Capital, among the company’s policy to be part of the state’s plan for development and reconstruction for new cities and regions.
Khaled Abdel Rahman, CEO of AL Etegah Al Awal company-the exhibition’s organizer-pointed out that the company keens to pay attention to all the details concerning the organizing of the exhibition, in order to make it profitable for all parties participating in it, for the clients, and for the organizing company as well, as an ideal place and timing were chosen, in addition to diversity in choosing the projects and companies present in the exhibition.

He assured the role of the private sector to be part of the state’s plan to market real estate products abroad, in addition to marketing Egypt as a distinct destination for clients looking for real estate with global specifications that are unrepeatable with low prices compared with global ones, explaining that exporting real estate is a national task and a responsibility for all parties.

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