رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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شركة العاصمة الإدارية للتنمية العمرانية تستهدف البدء في أعمال البنية التحتية للمرحلة الثانية من العا... بالمخالفة للقانون.. "مصر إيطاليا" تُسجل 1700 شاليه بـ" موسي كوست" بالضرائب معركة مكافحة التدخين تحت تهديد "ثقافة الإلغاء" والمعلومات المضللة "فيليبس" تطلق حملة مهرجان الابتكار لعرض أحدث الطرازات عالية الأداء مزودة بخصائص الذكاء الاصطناعي وTh... «آي صاغة»: تذبذب أسعار الذهب بالأسواق المحلية والعالمية والأوقية تسجل قمة سعرية جديدة OPPO تتعاون مع قناة ديسكفري للاحتفال بالذكرى العشرين لتأسيسها من خلال الحفاظ على التنوع الثقافي شركة «ATRIC DEVELOPMENTS» تعلن عن بدء الحياة في مشروع «BOHO» بالعين السخنة وتطرح وحدات جاهزة الاستلا... تمويل مشترك من البنك الأهلي المصري وثلاثة بنوك اخرى لشركة أورا ديفلوبرز إيجيبت "ماجد الفطيم" تتعاون مع " ڤاليو" لإطلاق بطاقات الهدايا لمراكز تسوقها مع توفير حلول دفع مرنة شركة «Zaya Development» تطلق المرحلة الثانية بمشروع «Roudy Residence» فى زايد الجديدة

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين


RMS Capital Investment, formed by Reportage Properties (United Arab Emirates), MESA Holding and Sabah Investment Group (Azerbaijan) by joining forces with the signing ceremony held in Istanbul, sets out with the aim of becoming a strong player in the global market. The partnership (RMS Capital Investment), which was established between the leading real estate companies of Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Azerbaijan, was established to realize large projects globally as soon as possible.
In the RMS Capital Investment partnership structure, Reportage Properties holds 34%, MESA 33% and Sabah Investment Group 33%. The name RMS symbolizes the common vision of these three important brands: trust, quality, customer satisfaction, sustainability, innovation and social contribution. The first projects of the partnership will be realized in Dubai, Istanbul and Baku in 2024 and 2025, with a total investment of USD 600 million. The financing will be provided by the partners and the central management of the projects will be organized from Dubai.
In his speech at the signing ceremony, Mert Boysanoğlu, CEO of MESA Holding, said, “As MESA, we have been working in this sector for 55 years. We make both investment and production in many different sectors. RMS actually started its life as a group that wanted to invest in the global world, especially in housing investments. As three groups, we have an investment plan of approximately 600 million dollars this year. The first one will start with a project in Dubai, and then we will continue in Turkey and Baku. I am signing this agreement with full faith that this group will not only do business in these regions, but also become a more global player.”
Andrea Nucera, Managing Director of Reportage Properties, stated the following in his speech: “In line with our vision to become a global real estate company, we are signing an international cooperation with 2 giant real estate companies such as MESA from Turkey and Sabah Investment Group from Azerbaijan and launching the RMS cooperation. We aim to make a difference in real estate development by redefining real estate through excellence, sustainability and innovation. As 3 of the world’s leading real estate companies, we will grow in our own agenda and increase our potential with RMS cooperation.”
Orkhan Mustafayev, CEO of Sabah Investment Group, said: “The joint venture between Reportage, MESA and Sabah is an important moment not only for us but also for the markets we already operate in. Over the years, we have built important relationships with our clients based on trust. This joint venture is another milestone for us to provide better opportunities for our clients, enhance our reputation and build new, successful partnerships. RMS now combines the reputations of all three partner companies and our customers can benefit from the combined powerhouse that this joint venture represents.”
RMS Capital Investment aims to achieve remarkable success not only regionally but also globally with innovative and sustainable projects in the sector, and to offer the highest value to its customers and business partners with future projects and investments.

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