رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
«الأولى العقارية» تطرح محفظة مشروعات لفترات سداد تصل إلى 10 سنوات بمواقع متميزة في أكتوبر والشيخ زاي... بنك QNB مصر يشارك في تمويل مشترك لصالح شركة مصر للبترول بقيمة 10 مليار جنيه مصري البنك الزراعي المصري يوقع برتوكول تعاون مع هيئة الإسعاف لتطوير 100 نقطة إسعاف بمحافظات الصعيد كيف يواجه الذكاء الاصطناعي أزمة نقص الكوادر في الأمن السيبراني؟ للعام الثاني على التوالي.. "ميدار" ترسخ ريادتها كمؤسس ومطور عام للمدن المتكاملة الذكية المستدامة من ... خبراء ريادة الأعمال يؤكدون: أصحاب الشركات الناشئة المصرية يمتلكون عقول نابغة.. وجمع التمويل في مرحلة... هيثم القبيصى رئيسا لقطاع التطوير والإستثمار بشركة روابط للتطوير العقاري إي اف چي القابضة تواصل النمو المستمر، وتحقق أداء قوياً للربع الثالث على التوالي خلال عام 2024 الفلاحين: استيراد البيض التركي كان لضبط السوق مش لاغراقه “جوبيتير جروب” تكشف عن مشروعها الأول (J ONE) بقيمة بيعية مستهدفة تتجاوز ال 3.5 مليار جنية

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

“RNA” Developments launches “Triton” project


“RNA” Developments intends to launch the marketing of “Triton” project outside Egypt, through its participation in the activities of “Egypt 2030” exhibition, which will be launched in Dubai on February 18, with the participation of more than 30 real estate development companies.

Ali Abdel Aty, RNA Chairman said that the expansion in marketing projects outside Egypt is not only just a plan for the real estate developer, but became a state strategy to export real estate products abroad, and the private sector has become part of this strategy to market its projects outside Egypt.

He added that “Egypt 2030” exhibition is an opportunity to present a variety of real estate projects that are being implemented in Egypt, especially in the New Administrative Capital, to Egyptian clients working abroad to have a direct communication and a live vision concerning the models of projects, in addition to reaching the foreign client seeking an investment opportunity outside his country.

He pointed out that the company is presenting exclusive offers on “Triton” project during the exhibition activities, as it is planned to offer flexible payment systems up to 10% down payment and a payment period up to 10 years.

He explained that Triton project is located in the central business district of the New Administrative Capital on an area of ​​4,000 square meters, and it is a medical administrative commercial project consisting of a ground floor and 13 floors, and the floors from the ground to the third one have been allocated to commercial units and the rest of the floors includes administrative with two floors for medical units.

He assured that the project is distinguished by its location within the central business district in front of the Iconic Tower, and its’ unique design, which conforms to the requirements of the Administrative Capital for Urban Development, which takes into account the standards of sustainability and smart construction, and the office of Engineer Mohamed Hafez for Engineering Consultations undertakes the designs of the project, and the Lebanese company Cape Property manages and operates it.

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