رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Sari Real Estate launches property auctions department, with Ehab Wahby as its head


Sari Real Estate announced its plan to manage its auctions and commercial projects in the coming period by launching a special department for property auctions, as part of the company’s plan to add services commensurate with market changes and high demand for commercial units and shops that achieve an investment return for customers.
Abdel Rahman Khalil, CEO of Sari Real Estate, said that the company established an auction department about a year ago, and decided to expand its activities and businesses and support it by appointing one of distinguished professionals to be its head.
Khalil added that this department was added with the aim of diversifying services provided by the company to clients and developers.
He noted that auction management is part of Sari Real Estate’s vision, which seeks to provide sales and marketing solutions to its customers constantly, especially with the increase in customers’ tendency to invest in commercial projects. Additionally, the new department would benefit the entire market due to shortage of experienced cadres for managing and holding property auctions.
Auction management is based on the presence of qualified human cadres to provide adequate real estate consultancy to clients. Accordingly, the company continues to include the best team in real estate market in order to ensure the provision of strong and distinguished services based on experience to its clients, Khalil disclosed.
He further elaborated that the company always focuses on knowing and meeting client needs, in addition to compatibility with progresses in real estate market and the presence of new investment options for clients.
The company’s CEO revealed that Ehab Wahby was appointed head of the new department, as he is one of the qualified professionals to develop the new management plan.
Ehab Wahby, commercial and auctions director at the company, stated that he is looking forward to making strong achievements by joining the company’s teamwork, and benefiting from his previous experiences in adding more to the company.
Wahby has promising plans to manage commercial and auctions department to match the company’s general plans.

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