رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
مجموعة العرجاني تستحوذ على حصة بـ1.9 مليار جنيه في "مصر الوطنية للصلب" التابعة للجارحي نورهان الطور تتوقع قفزة بـ 20% في أسعار العقارات خلال 2025.. وتحدد الوجهات الأكثر ربحية بعد تراجع التضخم في فبراير بمعدل كبير للشهر الرابع على التوالي...خبير اقتصادي يرصد الأسباب وأهمية ذل... حوار| نورهان الطور لـ"تواصل 24":تكشف "خريطة النجاة" في السوق العقاري... ونصائح لإنقاذ الشركات المتعث... طلبات مصر تطلق مجموعة واسعة من المبادرات المجتمعية والعروض الحصرية خلال شهر رمضان بنك الإمارات دبي الوطني - مصر يوقع اتفاقية تمويل بقيمة 3 مليارات جنيه مع الهيئة القومية للأنفاق لدعم... بسام الفقي: إيجي تاورز تحقق طفرة في الاستثمار العقاري الفندقي شركة « URBNZ Developments» تكشف عن خطتها الاستثمارية لـ2025..وتستهدف إطلاق مشروعين شركة « MG Developments» تتعاون مع مؤسسة «بنك الطعام المصري» ضمن مسئوليتها المجتمعية لدعم الأسر الأكث... "ميدار" تُقدم تبرعات بـ 15 مليون جنيه لدعم الاحتياجات الطبية بالمدينة الطبية لجامعة عين شمس ومستشفى ...

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Continuing its series’s of success in the market.. “Dominar for Development” is about to launch its first projects in the Administrative Capital

In order to complete its series of success in the Egyptian market, Dominar for Development is preparing to launch its first projects in the New Administrative Capital among its plans for expansion in the Egyptian market and supporting the state’s pland in urban development.

Dr.Sherif Khattab CEO of Dominar for Development, said that the company is very confident in the promising investment opportunities in the Egyptian market, especially in the new administrative capital, and due to our belief in the state’s plans for urban expansion and launching fourth-generation new cities, as the administrative capital is a priority, we decided to launch our first project in the new capital as means of investment.

He added that Dominar has a strong C. V. and experience for nearly 30 years, as the company was established in 1993 and implemented many successful projects in the Egyptian market, with business and investment volume in New Cairo and Maadi has reached about 1.5 billion pounds, adding that the company implemented Maryland buildings and 15 towers in Maadi, in addition to a number of villas in New Cairo in the northern and southern 90th, Narges, South Academy, West Golf and others.

He explained that “Dominar” is working to launch an unconventional project that provides new ideas that represent a real boom in the real estate industry in the Egyptian market, and provides unique and innovative advantages and privileges that have not been presented in the market before, in order to achieve the highest investment returns for the company and its clients.

He added that real estate investment is still the best investment for Egyptians and the safe haven for their savings, and the administrative capital leads the movement of the real estate sector as a whole, especially with demand for real estate in conjunction with the steady population increase.

CEO of Dominar for Development, assured that the company had chosen to invest in the new administrative capital after careful studies and a comprehensive review of the movement of the Egyptian real estate market, pointing out that the administrative capital became a destination for real estate investment in Egypt and the Middle East due to the state’s increasing interest of the project, in addition to the urban and construction boom the capital witnessing.

He pointed out that the company’s new project covers an area of 5,100 square meters and is an administrative project, located in the most distinguished areas of the Administrative Capital, and the company will announce all its details within few weeks.

He stressed that the company is about to sign with a number of major local and international design and consultancy companies to implement the project in accordance to the highest local and international standards and specifications.

He explained that the company is working to launch an unconventional project that provides new ideas that represent a real revolution in the real estate industry in the Egyptian market, and provides unique and innovative advantages and privileges that have not been provided in the market before, in order to achieve the highest investment returns for the company and its clients.

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