رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
«القابضة» الإماراتية تستحوذ على حصة أغلبية في «أرامكس» بنحو 58% أرباح «أوراسكوم للتنمية مصر» السنوية ترتفع 10.5% إلى 68 مليون دولار رئيس الوزراء يستعرض إجراءات إصلاح المنظومة الجمركية بـ 90 مليون دولار.. جونسون كنترولز العربية تساهم في تبريد العاصمة الإدارية الجديدة بأنظمة VRF إيدج ستون للتطوير العقاري تستهدف حجم إستثمارات تتجاوز ال25 مليار جنية لتنفيذ مجموعة متنوعة من المشرو... الجود و اندرايف: توزيع 7000 وجبة سحور على السائقين في رمضان خلال الاسبوع الاول من رمضان إي اف چي هيرميس تنجح في إتمام خدماتها الاستشارية لصفقة الطرح العام الأولي لشركة «ألفا داتا» بقيمة 16... ملايين ضاعت في "بورتو أكتوبر": عملاء "المطورون العرب" يفتحون النار.."تسقيع" و"بنود مجحفة" و"تلاعب با... مجموعة العرجاني تستحوذ على حصة بـ1.9 مليار جنيه في "مصر الوطنية للصلب" التابعة للجارحي نورهان الطور تتوقع قفزة بـ 20% في أسعار العقارات خلال 2025.. وتحدد الوجهات الأكثر ربحية

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Including Egyptian-Kuwaiti investments.. “Emeel Abdallah Investments” and “First Group” development agent “Urbnlanes”

Engineer Emeel Abdallah, “Urbnlanes” Chairman -the real estate development agent of the “Emeel Abdallah Group” and Kuwaiti “First Group”- one of the largest companies in general contracting field, revealed the launch of the company’s business in the Egyptian market within days and the announcement of the company’s administrative and commercial projects and its expansion strategy through the implementation of specialized and Multi use projects between commercial and administrative in a number of new cities with a different idea and vision that aligns with the state’s orientation in building sustainable cities and facilities, within the framework of the company’s plan to be present in the Egyptian market with a different concept, in order to complete the group’s activity in the Egyptian market which is specialized in building and constructing major trade and administrative centers, projects and high-rise towers in both Egypt and Kuwait, which includes 11 projects within 4 towers in Maadi, 3 administrative buildings in Sheraton and others in many vital districts.

Abdullah stated in press statements, that “Urbnlanes” is the latest group company among 7 other companies working in different fields of construction, engineering construction and contracting, which will specialize in working in real estate development based on the strength and solvency of the group and its experience in construction that exceeds 36 years in Egypt and Kuwait, during which the group implemented major projects, including huge commercial and administrative malls and high-rise towers exceeding 44 floors, in addition to 13 major projects under construction now, to have a total of 60 projects in “First Group” business portfolio in Kuwait, other than the administrative and commercial building projects
implemented by Emeel Abdullah company in many vital areas in Egypt, as it is operating with its full capacity and has been rented by prominent businesses names to local and international companies, bringing the number of projects to more than 130 projects in both countries.

Abdullah added that the group’s decision to open a private real estate development company in Egypt, came after extensive studies for the market’s need for distinct projects in a number of new cities as a natural and complementary extension of the company’s business in the Egyptian market and to transfer the group’s strong experience in building high-rise towers into the market, especially with the huge demand for administrative and commercial units inside and outside, specifically in the new administrative capital, which became the most attractive smart city for Arab clients, adding that the huge Trade centers and towers that the company intends to implement in Egypt during the coming period targeting a certain type of clients and meet the needs of large and multinational companies.

He pointed out that “Urbnlanes”
will apply a new policy with the projects that it will implement during the coming period, represented in selling commercial and administrative units and towers, unlike its old policy, as it used to hire only all its administrative and commercial projects in Egypt, aiming to create a state of diversity in the services provided, and to meet the clients’ desire and their needs to own property instead of renting to maximize their investment with a real estate developer well experienced in the field of building and managing trade centers and giant high-rise towers, in addition to diversifying the group’s investment portfolio, which will enhance its strength during the coming period.

The company’s Chairman indicated that the company’s new vision depends mainly on making a real difference in real estate development during the coming period which aligns with the unprecedented urban development that Egypt is witnessing now, in a pattern accommodates with modernity and changes taken place during this era so that we can achieve the company’s goals in attracting a different client, foreign and global companies
by providing a luxurious real estate product with all services to provide a healthy work environment, and to maintain the trust and credibility that the group gained during its years of work in Egypt, adding that “Urbnlanes” is targeting during the next five years to create a boom in the market, and to be one of the top 5 companies specialized in the real estate development, with its long experience and agents specialized in contracting, ready mix concrete industry, construction equipments and its Fast track mega project, enhancing its competitiveness and implementing high quality projects and international standards, so it can achieve its goals to have a special imprint in the real estate market in Egypt, in addition to adopting a systematic expansion strategy in a number of other investment projects to contribute in the growth of the national economy, as a result of the economic and political stability that Egypt has witnessed during the last seven years, which made the Egyptian market the most attractive one for investments.

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