The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the marketing of 20 ZYN nicotine pouch products manufactured by Swedish Match, a subsidiary of Philip Morris International. This decision, based on a thorough scientific review, which were developed as an alternative for adult smokers. These pouches contain nicotine and are used by placing them between the gum and the lip, offering a less harmful alternative compared to traditional smoking.
ZYN products have received FDA authorization after the agency confirmed that they meet the public health standards outlined in the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009. Studies have shown that these products present a less harmful choice than cigarettes, as they have been classified as posing less harm of serious diseases such as cancer, compared to other tobacco types.
In a comment on this statement, Dr. Matthew Farrelly, Director of the Office of Science at the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, said:”The scientific evidence confirms that these products offer a less harmful option for adult smokers who are switching to less harmful alternatives.”
Despite the increase in sales of nicotine pouches, the FDA has observed that youth usage remains low, with only 1.8% of middle and high school students in the United States reporting current use. Nevertheless, the FDA has imposed strict marketing restrictions, ensuring that these products are exclusively targeted at adults over the age of 21, with stringent oversight on advertising campaigns.
In a statement, Dr. Brian King, Director of the Center for Tobacco Products at the FDA, emphasized the importance of responsible marketing for these products, saying: “It is essential that these products be marketed in a way that prevents their use by youth. While current data shows a decrease in their use among youth, the FDA is closely monitoring the market and will take appropriate action as needed to protect public health.”
The authorized products come in two nicotine strengths: 3mg and 6mg. Despite this approval, the FDA emphasized that this does not mean these products are safe or ‘FDA-approved’. They also affirmed that no tobacco product is entirely safe.
The FDA stated that they will closely monitor the marketing and use of these products and will take necessary actions, including suspending or revoking authorization if needed, to effectively protect public health.
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