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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

“Reportage Properties” handed off the “Rukan Tower” units in Dubai

Provides 608 residential apartments


Reportage Properties, the leading UAE real estate developer, completed works in the “Rukan Tower” project in Wadi Al Safa – Dubai Land.
The company recently held a celebration at the headquarters of “Rukan Tower” on the occasion of completing works and handing off the units in the project, attended by His Excellency Aref Al Khouri, Managing Director of Reportage Properties Group, and a large number of customers.
“Rukan Tower” project which consists of three connected towers, provides about 608 residential apartments with various designs and different areas. They are surrounded by Rukan Lofts, shopping centers, cycling paths, and provides integrated lifestyle.
Reportage Properties confirmed keenness to implement all their projects according to the specified timetable, which enhances investors’ confidence in the company’s projects, and in the UAE real estate market in general.
The company noted that the completion of the “Rukan Tower” project and units hand off represents a new chapter in their success story and great achievements, through the completion of many projects and handing off units on schedule.
The “Rukan Tower” is distinguished by the prime location not far from the most important Dubai landmarks. The project includes swimming pools, jogging tracks, covered and uncovered parking lots, gardens, private barbecue areas, a gym, 12 elevators, a mosque, to mention the few.
“Reportage Properties” confirmed that they will hand off a number of new real estate projects in the UAE in the near future, which reflect their leading position in the UAE real estate market as well as the regional markets.
Reportage has revealed the completion of a number of existing projects in recent months, on schedule, as they begun handing off a number of projects, including the Oasis Residence 2 in Masdar City, which includes about 304 residential units, after it began delivering the Oasis Residence 1 in Masdar City also last year,in addition to handing off the Al Raha Lofts project in the Al Raha Beach area in Abu Dhabi.
The company has also completed the first phase of the Rukan Lofts project, which is being developed in the Dubai Land area in cooperation with Continental Investment Company.
Reportage Properties sales topped Dhs3.7bn ($1 billion) during 2023, compared to Dhs2.3bn for 2022, with a growth exceeding 60%. Sales during the first six months of this year exceeded Dhs3bn.

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