رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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محمد راشد :زيادة العمر الافتراضي للمنشآت وخفض تكاليف الصيانة وزيادة عوائد الاستثمار مكتب Hesham Elsadek Architecture ينهي تصميم «مسجد البحر» في العين السخنة شركه Locations development تكرم شركاء النجاح تقديرا لدورهم فى نجاح مشروعاتها الاربعة رئيس مجموعةSD هولدينج : القطاع العقاري اكبر المستفيدين من تثبيت البنك المركزي أسعار الفائدة «Invest-Gate» تقود الثورة التقنية من خلال مائدتها المستديرة «التكنولوجيا العقارية أساسٌ لبناء المستق... القاهرة تحتضن الاحتفال باليوم العربي للتطوع: خلال الفترة من ١٤ - ١٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ وبمشاركة ١٦ دولة عرب... سعر الذهب اليوم في مصر.. وعيار 21 يسجل 3380 جنيهًا مسئولو " الإسكان " يتفقدون وحدات المبادرة الرئاسية " سكن لكل المصريين " والخدمات بمدينة أكتوبر الجدي... جمعية الخبراء: رد ضريبة القيمة المضافة يزيد صادرات الصناعات الكيماوية وزير التموين والتجارة الداخلية يتفقد جناح البريد في معرض اهلا مدارس.. ويشيد بالخدمات التي يقدمها الب...

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Hisham El Fouly to head samco Holding Development commercial sector


Eng.Saddam Alsayed Samco Holding Development Company Chairman, announced appointing Hisham El Fouly as the head of samco holding commercial sector, among the company’s development plan as the company seeks to recruit a number of unprecedented competences and specialized experiences in various sectors, so that can align with the company’s upcoming vision and its expansion strategy in the Egyptian real estate market, besides launching new distinguished projects in East Cairo.

El Fouly owns experience in real estate development field exceeds 15 years, as he is a founding member at “House of Bricks” company, and has many distinguished contributions concerning business
growth of a number of prominent companies which achieved great successes in the Egyptian market,recording a strong portfolio full of successes during his past working years, as he held a number of leading positions in major real estate development companies to be classified as one of the most qualified head of sales sectors in major companies, in addition to improving this experience via attending specialized and accredited courses, as he got a Master’s degree in investment and financial sciences from CCIM in America, a master degree in Business Administration from GUC, in addition to specialized courses in economic feasibility studies for projects, companies structuring and development, which qualified him to take over the position of head of the commercial sector in many major companies working in the Egyptian market, as “IHC”, “Sky Way”, “The Address”, “Sorouh”, “Cleopatra” “Emtlak” and “Era”.

It is worth noting that Samco holding Company is the parent company for many companies in different fields, the most important of which is real estate development and investment, owned bysaddam Al sayed. As the company is present in the market since 2008

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