رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Binghatti partners with the Government of Dubai’s Land Department to support the role of Emiratis in the real estate market


the leading Dubai-based developer Binghatti entered a strategic partnership with the Government of Dubai’s Land Department (DLD) to enhance the role of UAE nationals in the real estate market. The agreement was signed by DLD Director General HE Marwan Bin Ghalita and Binghatti Chairman Muhammad BinGhatti.

This partnership supports the Dubai Real Estate Broker Program launched by DLD last March. The program aims to integrate public and private sector efforts and encourage Emirati agents and investors to participate in real estate transactions, thereby strengthening one of Dubai’s key economic sectors.

As part of this initiative, Binghatti is offering exclusive discounts and flexible 50-50 payment plans for selected projects for Emirati investors. Additionally, the developer will provide an extra 1% agent fee for transactions made by Emirati agents.

“We are honored to collaborate with the Government of Dubai’s Land Department and support its mission. This strategic partnership is a significant milestone in our efforts to empower Emirati investors and agents. By fostering inclusivity between private and public sectors, we are not merely strengthening Emirati participation in the real estate market, but also ensuring Dubai’s thriving, dynamic, and sustainable future,” Binghatti Chairman Muhammad BinGhatti commented.

This partnership is one of the multiple initiatives organized by the Government of Dubai’s Land Department to prepare Emirati cadres for the highest levels of efficiency, skills and professionalism. “At Binghatti, we have the honor of working with several exceptional local agents and some of them have achieved phenomenal performance for our projects. As part of our trusted partners, they have provided us deeper insight and understanding of Dubai’s dynamic market. Binghatti aspires to become a role model in empowering the youth, especially among the local Emirati population through this partnership,” the Chairman added.

Binghatti takes pride in hiring more than 50 Emirati employees in six months to work in their company, taking leadership roles across different sectors. This partnership underscores the company’s commitment to cultivating local talent and supporting the sustainable growth of Dubai’s real estate market.

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