رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

The MarQ Communities Announces Timely Delivery of The MarQ Gardens with a Total Investment of 3 Billion Egyptian Pounds


• Amr Badr: Our projects are centered around building unique and inspirational communities that position us as leaders in the real estate development sector
• A luxurious residential community in the heart of New Cairo combining the beauty of nature with modern architectural design
The MarQ Communities, a leading real estate developer in the Egyptian market, proudly confirmed its commitment to the on-schedule delivery of The MarQ Gardens, with a total investment value of EGP 3 billion. Adhering to modern specifications and standards, The MarQ Gardens is envisioned as an inspirational residential community that harmoniously blends the beauty of nature with unique architectural design and comprehensive amenities, offering an unparalleled living experience.

The MarQ Gardens community offers a unique lifestyle in the heart of New Cairo, featuring 300 villas over 26 acres and diverse thematic gardens within the community. The villa designs blend art and innovation, achieving a balance between aesthetic appeal and optimal space utilization. The variety in villa sizes caters to different needs, complemented by hotel-like services and facilities that keep pace with technological advancements and global standards.

“The MarQ Communities focuses on developing unique and innovative communities that position us as leaders in the real estate development sector and have also strengthened our clients’ confidence in us. The MarQ Gardens is designed to meet the diverse needs of families dreaming of a unique lifestyle that combines lavishness, hotel services, and comprehensive facilities. As a brand reliant on creative designs, we aim to create residential communities and distinctive destinations in Egypt’s most strategic neighborhoods, because our main vision is geared towards providing a unique and inspiring life for our clients,” said Eng. Amr Badr, Chairman and CEO of The MarQ Communities.

Notably, The MarQ Communities is set to broaden its presence to the west side of Cairo. Additionally, the company plans to invest a total of 6 billion Egyptian Pounds throughout 2024.

Being in a prominent location makes The MarQ Gardens stand out in New Cairo. The MarQ Gardens is a distinguished community among four others: The MarQ Ville with gardens and stunning villas, The Water MarQ featuring exclusive beachfront villas, The Wonder MarQ designed for modern living, and Marquette, a European-style commercial destination for exceptional experience.

The MarQ Communities restates its commitment to the timely completion and delivery of all projects according to plan.

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