رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Philip Morris Misr: We are continuously collaborating with the Egyptian Tax Authority to control prices and support the Egyptian consumer


• Ali N. Karaman, Managing Director Philip Morris Egypt & Levant: We are keen to continue our collaboration with the Egyptian Tax Authority to ensure the Egyptian consumer is the ultimate beneficiary of a transparent ecosystem.
• The QR code on the packaging allows smokers and users to know the price of the products prior to purchasing.
• Our price adjustments are announced through issuing press releases.

Philip Morris Misr emphasized its commitment to cooperate with the Egyptian Tax Authority, to support the Egyptian consumer against any attempt to manipulate the prices of its products, and destabilize both the Egyptian market and the tobacco industry.
In compliance with the mandate to enhance consumers awareness of products prices, Philip Morris Misr successfully added a QR code on all its products earlier this year. This code displays the price list of the company’s traditional cigarettes and heated tobacco products.
To further comply and collaborate with the Egyptian Tax Authorities on tobacco price control, Philip Morris Misr is proud to announce that it has moreover improved the on-package communication by adding additional text to encourage consumers to scan the QR code. This compliant packaging has recently been introduced to the market starting with all L&M packages.
Ali N. Karaman, Managing Director Philip Morris Egypt & Levant, stated that, “Printing the QR code on the packaging allows smokers and users to know the price of products before completing the purchase, and this is one of the methods that the company follows to protect the rights of the Egyptian consumer, as the company also always discloses any price movement through the issuance of a press release.”
Karaman added, ” We are keen to continue our collaboration with the Egyptian Tax Authority to ensure the Egyptian consumer is the ultimate beneficiary of a transparent ecosystem. This is driven by supporting the state treasury with tax revenues from selling authentic products at their set prices.”
Philip Morris Misr extends appreciations to all the merchants who adhered to the official prices of its products. The company also calls upon the merchants to adhere to price control and fulfill their obligation to protect this national industry

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