رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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شركة «كريتيك-Cretik» تستهدف 3 ملايين دولار حجم أعمال بنهاية 2025...وتستهدف الوصول بمحفظة عملائها لـ ...  هنا طه تفوز بجائزة athar award لإسهاماتها في مجال الاستدامة والمسؤولية الاجتماعية وزير الإسكان: جارٍ تنفيذ 2532 وحدة سكنية جديدة بـ"سكن لكل المصريين".. ومشروعات بنية أساسية بمدينة ال... وزير الإسكان يتابع موقف منطقة الأعمال المركزية بالعاصمة الإدارية وأبراج الداون تاون بالعلمين الجديدة الصحة: وفاة 8 وإصابة 12 جراء تصادم قطار مع سيارة مينى باص بالإسماعيلية “شيفرون” تؤكد التزامها بتوسيع استثماراتها فى مصر وتعزيز التعاون في حقول غاز شرق المتوسط رئيس هيئة قناة السويس يشهد التشغيل التجريبى لمصنع تعبئة وتغليف الأسماك والجمبرى الرقابة المالية تطلق بوابة تشريعات القطاع المالى غير المصرفى على موقعها الإلكترونى ترامب يهدد الاتحاد الأوروبى بفرض رسوم جمركية بنسبة 200% على المشروبات الكحولية ارتفاع جماعي لمؤشرات السوق بختام تعاملات الخميس

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

MSI’ and ‘Fawry’ Launch Joint Initiative to Support Businesses and Startups


MSI, a world leader in gaming hardware and innovative business solutions in over 120 countries, is expanding on its success in Egypt by partnering with Egypt’s fintech leader ‘Fawry’ to facilitate payment for businesses and consumers. Besides their super-performing gaming laptops, MSI is also launching new top-tier models that are precisely put together to cater best to business needs.

‘Fawry’ aims to provide its advanced financial technology solutions to ‘ MSI’ customers through the widest network of merchants in Egypt through this cooperation.

In addition, ‘Fawry’ has a primary goal to support entrepreneurs and startups in Egypt, which is an integral part of its leading role in the Egyptian market.

Through this partnership, ‘MSI’ aims also to provide exclusively discounted business laptops for SMEs and startups with facilitated installment plans through Fawry’s broad network, in collaboration with ABC Shop.

Eddie Chen, MSI Middle East Marketing Manager, expressed his excitement for the newly forged collaboration with Fawry. “Last year has been very successful for MSI as thanks to our users and fans worldwide, we were able to reach US 1.2 billion in revenue, which motivated us to further invest in Egypt and the region,” Eddie ecstatically said.

“With the rise of startup culture and improved investment climate in Egypt, MSI aims to further foster and accelerate the success of small businesses and startups by providing them with one of the best IT equipment in the world. Our B2B deals aren’t just equipped with special discounts, we also offer facilitated payment programs through Fawry. Additionally, our clients can now contact us directly and get their business deals hassle-free while ensuring they’re getting the best possible price in the market,” Eddie added.

Heba Al-Awadi, Chief Business Officer-Acceptance at Fawry said: “We are proud to add MSI, the leading company in the region, to our list of partners and we are excited to work together to support the startups and entrepreneurs’ community and to provide the opportunity to support and facilitate their business in Egypt, and to enhance the ability of their business growth and their journey towards digital transformation through a package of services and facilities provided by Fawry and MSI.”

Al-Awadi added: “Through this cooperation, ‘Fawry’ and ‘MSI’ aim to provide easy payment methods to support startups and entrepreneurs. The partnership provides a safe and easy electronic payment method through various ‘Fawry’ channels, such as the ‘myfawry’ mobile application and more than 220 ‘FawryPlus’ outlets across the country, in addition to the ‘Fawry’ POS machines of the most widespread network of retailers in Egypt.”

Similarly, Mohamed Fawzy, MSI Senior Marketing Specialist in Egypt, talked about MSI’s efforts in the Egyptian market to provide more inclusive products saying, “All of our newly launched models in the Egyptian market, have been all praised globally and granted top hardware and design awards. Adding to our exciting efforts to support gamers and esports talents, we are expanding our scope to help businesses as well with our new business model Modern 14. The Modern 14 offers all-round experience and steady performance with a variety of CPU options, Intel and AMD, and it comes with a slim and lightweight design and a suitable budget to specifically cater for students, employees, and freelancers,” Fawzy stated.

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