رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
مجموعة العرجاني تستحوذ على حصة بـ1.9 مليار جنيه في "مصر الوطنية للصلب" التابعة للجارحي نورهان الطور تتوقع قفزة بـ 20% في أسعار العقارات خلال 2025.. وتحدد الوجهات الأكثر ربحية بعد تراجع التضخم في فبراير بمعدل كبير للشهر الرابع على التوالي...خبير اقتصادي يرصد الأسباب وأهمية ذل... حوار| نورهان الطور لـ"تواصل 24":تكشف "خريطة النجاة" في السوق العقاري... ونصائح لإنقاذ الشركات المتعث... طلبات مصر تطلق مجموعة واسعة من المبادرات المجتمعية والعروض الحصرية خلال شهر رمضان بنك الإمارات دبي الوطني - مصر يوقع اتفاقية تمويل بقيمة 3 مليارات جنيه مع الهيئة القومية للأنفاق لدعم... بسام الفقي: إيجي تاورز تحقق طفرة في الاستثمار العقاري الفندقي شركة « URBNZ Developments» تكشف عن خطتها الاستثمارية لـ2025..وتستهدف إطلاق مشروعين شركة « MG Developments» تتعاون مع مؤسسة «بنك الطعام المصري» ضمن مسئوليتها المجتمعية لدعم الأسر الأكث... "ميدار" تُقدم تبرعات بـ 15 مليون جنيه لدعم الاحتياجات الطبية بالمدينة الطبية لجامعة عين شمس ومستشفى ...

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Washwasha International Festival honors the head of the Arabisk Development company for presenting the best architecture content on Al-Nahar channel for the year 2022


The Washwasha International Festival honored Dr. Abdel Hamid Al-Wazir, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arabisk Real Estate Development Company, and the presenter of the Arabisk segment on the Masaa Misr program on Al-Nahar channel, for choosing his paragraph in the program as the best content for the sciences and arts of architecture in 2022.

The Washwasha Awards ceremony for the best was launched in 2022 at the Manara Center for International Conferences, in the presence of a large number of businessmen and celebrities from the stars of art and media in Egypt and the Arab world. This festival is considered one of the leading festivals in Egypt to hand out awards to the best in various media fields.

Arabisk Real Estate Development Company launched the Arabisk episode of Masaa Misr real estate program on Al-Nahar channel, beginning last September, as a social responsibility and its belief in the necessity of reviving the art of historical Egyptian architecture, Where this media paragraph documents the history of Egyptian real estate and the psychology of architecture, which depends on the study of man, his behavior, and his human nature in dealing with real estate. Arabisk has a portfolio of projects in east and west Cairo and the coast, all of which are according to the architectural style based on the revival of Egyptian architecture.

The best awards ceremony for the year 2022 was held following the referendum held by the Washwasha Media Group, in the presence of a number of important personalities from different parts of the Arab world, and the guests were received by businessman Alaa Al-Kahki, owner of the Washwasha Media and Media Group Ahmed Al-Hawari, head of the festival.

The Washwasha Festival for the year 2022 witnessed the honoring of a large elite of the stars of the Arab world from the stars of art and media, who were honored by the largest referendum in the Arab world, and among the most prominent of these honorees, the artist Sherif Mounir and Hani Ramzi and the artist Zina and Basma Wahba and many famous singers from Among them, Ragheb Alama, Wael Jassar, Bossi, Khaled Selim, and football celebrities, including the player Ahmed Hassan, and others.

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