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التقرير الأسبوعي لـ«آي صاغة»: 205 جنيهات تراجًعا في أسعار الذهب بالأسواق المحلية خلال أسبوع إي اف چي هيرميس تعلن عن إتمام الإصدار الثاني عشر لسندات توريق بقيمة 667.3 مليون جنيه لصالح شركة ڤالي... ختام رسالة دكتوراة تناقش دور الإعلام الأمني باعتباره ركيزة أساسية لدعم منظمومة الأمن القومي انطلاق النسخة السابعة من معرض «THE CAPITAL EGYPT EXPO» نوفمبر الجاري بمشاركة 50 مطورا وبمحفظة تضم 15... «مستقبل وطن» يدشن دورات تدريبية للعاملين بقطاعات التشييد والبناء في الجيزة المستشار الاقتصادي أيمن حامد سليمان يلتقي وزير الشباب والرياضة لبحث تنفيذ مشروع كبير بالعاصمة الإدار... شركة WestWay للتطوير العقاري تستهدف ضخ استثمارات بقيمة 15 مليار جنيه في السوق المصري خلال العام 2025 «آي صاغة»: الذهب يسجل أكبر خسارة أسبوعية عقب تلميحات الفيدرالي الأمريكي بشأن السياسة النقدية التكنولوجيا الكبرى Trust Tech Trading تعرض أحدث إصدارات شركائها العالميين من مكونات الكمبيوتر في Cai... “جوبيتير القابضة” تطلق ذراعها العقاري “جوبيتر للتطوير العقاري” باستثمارات تتجاوز 50 مليار جنيه ومحفظ...

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Al Naser Developments plans to expand its activity in real estate market and launch a new project with investments up to one billion pounds


Ahmed Esmail: We always keen to achieve the best and highest investment returns in our projects

The Administrative Capital is witnessing an unprecedented urban boom and became an investment destination

Al Naser Developments- one of the leading companies in real estate field- plans to expand in the Egyptian market and launch two new projects very soon, after the great success of its first projects in the Administrative Capital after marketing and selling more than 95% of the project.

Ahmed Esmail, Al Naser Developments head of the commercial sector, said that his company has a very strong business precedent, whether inside or outside Egypt, with experience exceeds 30 years in construction and building sector, during which it implemented more than 100 projects in the Gulf countries with business of amount exceeds 50 billion pounds.

He Pointed that the company implemented major projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with major international companies such as pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, major food companies such as Mars and Almarai and major petroleum companies such as Total, and implemented large administrative and educational buildings belonging to the ministries of education, girls’ colleges and higher education.

He added that the company is very confident in the promising investment opportunities in the Egyptian market, aiming to expand and pump more investments, and planning to launch two new distinguished projects in order to meet the demands and aspirations of clients.

Esmail indicated that the company aims to reach its total investments in the Administrative Capital more than 1.5 billion pounds, represented in Golden Tower A project, and the new project, Golden Tower 2, which will be launched in the coming days, as it is a commercial, administrative and meducal project in mu23 area, which is one of the most prestigious areas in the Capital.

He assured that the company is also planning to launch a new housing project, and will announce its details very soon.

He showed that the company’s interest to launch a distinguished real estate product in accordance with the highest international standards, to align with all the clients needs and desires, and achieve the best and highest investment returns for clients.

He explained that the company is working hard to keep pace with the state’s moves to launch the fourth generation cities and major national projects, especially the New Administrative Capital, which enjoys huge investment opportunities and an unprecedented urban boom.

He expected that the projects in the New Administrative Capital will witness a qualitative leap and increase in the demand, inside and outside Egypt, especially with the government’s plans to move to its new headquarters in the government district in the administrative capital and start the actual operation of its projects, pointing that the administrative capital became an investment destination, whether for Egyptians or non-Egyptians.

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