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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Arabisk Development seeks land parcels in New Cairo


Ammar Khalil: Introducing new projects in the New Cairo with initial investments amounting to 40 million pounds

The company is currently considering expanding the real estate market, by studying a package of various projects in the new city of Cairo, said Ammar Khalil, CEO of Arabisk Real Estate Development.

Khalil confirmed that the company plans to acquire a group of land plots in New Cairo with an average area of 300 square meters for each project, explaining that the company aims to pump initial investments on these projects estimated at 40 million pounds, explaining that New Cairo is still witnessing a great demand from customers, due to its strategic location and its proximity to the administrative capital and some other cities.

He pointed out that the company is focusing during the coming period on providing areas ranging from 110 square meters to 140 square meters, due to the fact that these areas are the most required in the real estate market, and their conformity with the purchasing power of customers, after the wave of price increases in the real estate market during the period The past.

He stressed that the real estate sector is the most in demand of the economy due to the high return on investment and is the best in the long term. It is also a safe haven for capital, compared to many other economic sectors. He pointed out that the demand for real estate is still high.

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