رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
آخر الأخبار
كريم شعلان:السوق العقاري شهد طفرات بيعية وسعرية في 2024.. و2025 ستشهد زيادات سعرية محدودة المالية: مليار جنيه بالموازنة الحالية لتمويل استراتيجية توطين صناعة السيارات بمصر الحكومة توافق على تحويل الأراضي المُتاخمة للمناطق البترولية لمنطقة صناعية خضراء نظيفة مصر تجمع 3 مليار جنيه غرامات من مستخدمي سيارات ذوي الهمم غير المستحقين وزارة العمل: 960 فرصة عمل بـ49 شركة قطاع خاص في 10 محافظات وزيرا الصناعة والبترول يشهدان التوقيع لمنح التزام إعادة تسليم البنية الفوقية لمحطة تسهيلات بحرية بمي... وزير الإسكان: القطاع العقارى فى مصر شهد نموا كبيرا خلال عام 2024 رغم التحديات الاقتصادية الصحة تُعلن تدشين مشروع زرع الصمام الرئوى عن طريق القسطرة بمعهد القلب قرار جمهورى بالموافقة على اتفاقية مع مكتب أبو ظبى للصادرات لتمويل توريد القمح إلى هيئة السلع التموين... موظفو بنك القاهرة يشاركون اطفال مستشفى 57357 فرحتهم بإستقبال شهر رمضان الكريم بتزيين المستشفى

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Magnom Properties appoints JLL to manage upcoming real estate projects across the region


Magnom Properties, the real estate arm of Rawabi Holding, has appointed JLL, a leading professional services firm that specialises in real estate, investment management and development consultancy services, to act as project managers, office and retail advisors for the developer’s upcoming projects in the region.


JLL will advise on Magnom Properties’ high-value commercial, residential and lifestyle projects in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the wider Middle East and North Africa region while providing consultancy services to develop the strategy, budget and timeline of the projects.


With strong credentials in driving sustainable projects, JLL’s vision to shape the future of real estate for a better world aligns with Magnom’s goals to ensure its projects adhere to the highest sustainability standards. Together, JLL and Magnom will support the region’s ambitions to achieve net zero emissions.


Maged Marie, CEO, Magnom Properties, said: “We are committed to developing high-value projects that uphold the highest standards in sustainability. Through our partnership with JLL, a company with proven experience in sustainable project management, we aim to ensure our projects adhere to the highest standards of sustainability. Our goal is to support the economic growth of the region while also being a strong partner in supporting decarbonisation strategies.”


Ayman Sami, Country Manager, JLL, said: “The focus of Magnom Properties to develop and manage sustainable projects with the lowest carbon footprint serves as a model for the region as it focuses on transitioning to net zero emissions. We have a strong track record in delivering large-scale projects globally and we will bring our expertise in Project Management, Retail, Offices and Property Management to support Magnom Properties, ensuring that they achieve their ambitions.”


“We are happy to be part of this relationship working closely with world-renowned architects and contractors on a very unique project in the New Capital that is anticipated to be a leader in driving change,” he added.



Magnom Properties recently hosted the world-renowned architect Adrian Smith along with his partner Gordon Gill of the international design firm Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture in Egypt and Saudi Arabia where they discussed mutual collaborations and toured various sites.

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