رئيس التحرير هيثم سليمان مدير التحرير محمد سليمان
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العزبي وباركفيل تعلنان عن شراكة استراتيجية لتعزيز توافر المنتجات الصحية في مصر عبدالجواد: 2024 كان مفاجئة للسوق العقاري.. ومدد السداد الطويلة تغير جديد.. ورمضان فترة لاستيعاب الت... SPD تقتحم سوق العقارات بقوة.. إنجاز قياسي في "دومي" وإطلاق مشروع "نسيم" بمليار جنيه السالم القابضة تُطلق فرعًا جديدًا لبنك فيصل الإسلامي داخل مول نايل فيو في مدينة بنها بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للمرأة.. المهندس جرجس يوسف في زيارة تفقدية لمستشفى «بهية» لدعم محاربات سرطان ا... كريم شعلان:السوق العقاري شهد طفرات بيعية وسعرية في 2024.. و2025 ستشهد زيادات سعرية محدودة المالية: مليار جنيه بالموازنة الحالية لتمويل استراتيجية توطين صناعة السيارات بمصر الحكومة توافق على تحويل الأراضي المُتاخمة للمناطق البترولية لمنطقة صناعية خضراء نظيفة مصر تجمع 3 مليار جنيه غرامات من مستخدمي سيارات ذوي الهمم غير المستحقين وزارة العمل: 960 فرصة عمل بـ49 شركة قطاع خاص في 10 محافظات

اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

El-Fouly, Head of the Commercial Sector atSkyway Real Estate Development





Skyway Real Estate Development has announced the appointment of Hisham El-Fouly as head of the commercial sector in the company, within the framework of its development plan, and the use of the most skilled leaders and distinguished competencies
In various economic and real estate sectors, in line with its future vision towards expansion and launch in the market with a package of various projects
Al-Fouli has extensive experience in the real estate sector spanning more than 13 years, during which he worked with the most important and largest real estate companies operating in the market, which achieved huge successes and launched
Giant projects, and he had his contributions to these projects, to record a history full of achievements, and to put his name among the list of the most important heads of commercial sectors in companies, in the market
Real estate with his great experience, scientific studies, and specialized courses from major academies and universities in the United States of America, where he obtained a Master of Science
for investment and finance from CCIM in America and a master’s in business administration from GUC, in addition to specialized courses in the field of project feasibility studies and structuringAnd the development of companies and included in a number of leadership positions
It is noteworthy that “Sky Way” for real estate development is developing the administrative “Bayadega” project in the towers area of ​​Down Town in the New Administrative Capital with investments of 700 million pounds and includes
For a project of administrative, commercial and medical activities, with international specifications, which includes the first “FOOD COURT” area suspended in the administrative capital, and commensurate with the development movement that
The real estate market is witnessing, and the entry of new real estate products that are an addition to the real estate sector

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