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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

“CCR DEVELOPMENTS” participates in “THE INVESTOR EXPO” with “Front Gate”



CCR DEVELOPMENTS Company announced its participation in “THE INVESTOR Expo” exhibition, which kicks off at Almasah Hotel in the Administrative Capital on 13 and 14 May.

Dr. Remon Taghian, CEO of CCR DEVELOPMENTS, said that the exhibition offers opportunity for clients seeking distinctive projects, and the company also plans to present unrepeatable exclusive offers on it’s project in the New Administrative Capital during the exhibition.

He pointed that “Front Gate” project is located in a special place in MU23 in the Administrative Capital and near the hotel, which will witness the exhibition’s activities, to offer the client the opportunity to see the project and the size of completed construction, where the percentage of the done construction in the project reached about 30% according to the schedules specified.

He added that “Front Gate” is a commercial, administrative, residential, hotel project in the New Administrative Capital, located on 4055 square meters and consists of ground floor and 7 multi storeys, indicating that it is planned to start delivering the project in September 2023 and the completion of the project delivery in early 2024.

He showed that the project is divided to include ground and first storeys, the second for commercial activities, from the third to the sixth one are administrative activities and clinics with separate entrances for both, and the seventh is residential hotel, and the project will serve the population density in surrounding areas.

He pointed that the company started its work in real estate market in 2018, and has previous work for about 100 separate project, and 2 residential compounds, and the company decided to direct its investments to the New Administrative Capital due to the project’s investing and national importance, as it includes promising investment opportunities and facilities for developers and opportunities for clients.

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