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اعلان جانبي  يسار
اعلان جانبي يمين

Marota Developments plans to participate in international property exhibitions


Company has a new plan to increase its sales abroad, says Tarek Khalil

We aim to attract new segments of customers to Egyptian market, says Ayman Al-Ghafir

Marota Developments Company, one of the major real estate companies, has revealed a new plan to increase its sales abroad, in support of the state’s plans to export property and attract new customers to Egyptian market.
Tarek Khalil and Ayman Al-Ghafir, owners and founders of Marota Developments, said that the company has developed a plan to participate in some international real estate events and exhibitions in the coming period, with the aim of increasing its sales abroad, whether from Egyptian expatriates or non-Egyptians, Arabs and foreigners.
Tarek Khalil stressed that the company aims to attract new segments of customers to Egyptian property market, especially in New Administrative Capital, which is witnessing a major boom in real estate projects and keeps pace with the latest developments in the world in modern construction.
Khalil pointed out that the company plans to participate in a number of international events and exhibitions, whether in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or the UAE.
For his part, Ayman Al-Ghafir stated that the company is keen to support Egypt’s plans, especially with regard to supporting property export and increasing the company’s sales to clients abroad.
Al-Ghafir noted that Mastro Mall project is one of the most distinguished projects in the New Administrative Capital and meets desires and aspirations of customers abroad.
He further pointed out Marota Developments is preparing to participate in one of the largest exhibitions specialized in real estate industry in Egypt within the next few weeks.
Marota Developments is a partnership between Egyptian businessman Tarek Khalil and Syrian businessman Ayman Al-Ghafir.
Tarek Khalil is an Egyptian businessman with a great deal of experience and long practical experience since 2004 in the management of commercial malls and real estate investment in the Egyptian market, as well as his experiences in fields of import and export. Ayman Al-Ghafir is a Syrian businessman and a fan of Egypt. He has many successful experiences in the field of business management in its various sectors in Egypt and Syria.

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